Flutter for App Development = Not Mature Yet, Many Pros & A Couple Of Cons
The challenges facing R&D managers are varied but they often come down to a common question: how can I do more with less? Little wonder, then, that new efficiencies in app development are always welcome and one that has caught attention in recent months is Flutter app development. A Google-backed open-source framework, Flutter powers cross-platform app development from a single code base. Release on iOS, and Android simultaneously and leave the stress and cost of keeping multiple code bases updated? That’s a clear cost and time-saving.
In this article I’ll explain what Flutter is, share some examples of companies that have already embraced Google Flutter for app development, demonstrate some of the quick wins that Flutter app development delivers, and make the case for choosing Google Flutter for your next app development project.
What is Google Flutter?
Flutter is an open-source framework developed by Google that allows you to design multi-platform applications from the same “codebase” with performance close to native applications.
Google Flutter got started in May 2017 with its first alpha version supporting Android and iOS. Following this early success, Google has since extended Flutter to Windows and macOS, and Linux is under development. Its community is growing and actively participates in the evolution of the framework, particularly for Linux.
Flutter sets itself apart from its competitors by building its graphical interfaces not with a markup language (XML, HTML) like most other frameworks but with a programming language.
The components that will make up your app are called Widgets. A widget is the basic element for creating graphical interfaces and it has the mission to display itself on the screen and match the elements it contains. They can intertwine with each other and it is through this comingling them that you can create widgets with complex behaviors. There are all sorts of buttons to allow the user to interact with the app, layout widgets (to place other widgets vertically or horizontally) and to develop a material design application. You get the idea: in Flutter everything is a widget!
By making it possible to build a single application for both Android and iOS, Google Flutter kills two birds with one stone, reducing cost and development time as well as reducing the complexity of project management because there is no need to manage two concurrent development teams on two different platforms.