Witekio And Qt Celebrate Seven Years of Partnership at Embedded World 2022

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Nuremberg, Germany

Witekio and the Qt Company today celebrated seven years of partnership at the Embedded World 2022 exhibition.

The celebration, which was attended by Witekio and Qt management, employees, and Embedded World visitors, saw the two companies highlight projects made possible by working with each other, as well as commit to continue developing their partnership, projects, and services together on QT Gui Development.

Of the 50 customer projects Witekio has completed using the Qt framework, particular focus was given to the home application and medical device sectors, where having a clear and reliable GUI is more important than ever.

Samir Bounab, General Manager of Witekio, commented: “Our ongoing partnership with a leading player like the Qt company is proof of Witekio’s expertise and our standing in the embedded and IoT software market. We are dedicated to developing this relationship, as we see how it helps us better support OEM customers thanks to direct access to the technology provider”

Petteri Hollander, Senior Vice President of Qt, said: “Be it to serve customers together, to build premium technical content for the Qt community, or to leverage Witekio expertise for our customer base, we like working with Witekio and are willing to maintain our partnership for the years to come”.

The partnership event was held at the Qt Embedded World booth, where the Qt Company is also displaying Witekio technology through an IoT connected Crane demo.

Photo caption: Marko Kaasila – Senior Vice President, Product Management at The Qt Company and Nicolas Duvernay – VP Sales & Marketing at Witekio

The model crane, which is an industrial IoT solution in action, uses Qt framework and Avnet hardware to highlight the benefits of having industrial equipment connected to the cloud.

Through voice you can control the crane’s movements and jib, as well as see live data via a supervisor’s screen, enabling remote monitoring, maintenance, and security alerts.

The 20th edition of the Embedded World conference will run 21-23 June 2022. The event will include more than 200 product presentations, expert panels, and an opportunity to interact and share knowledge with others in the industry.

You can find Witekio at the event in Hall 3A, Stand 3A-125. Qt will be situated in Hall 4, Stand 4-258.
