Harnessing Infineon Traveo T2G MCU for Qt Applications

Bringing a product to market and unsure of the hardware and software requirements needed for your GUI on MCU? Or perhaps you have a product on an MPU already and are considering switching to MCU? These are the question we at Witekio, alongside our partners Qt Group and Infineon Technologies sought to answer in our […]

Best Practices for Embedded Security

Embedded device security is not always a straightforward pursuit. Devices are more complex, more connected, and more numerous. Regulation and legislation also increase the pressure on OEMs to maintain the highest security standards. How can device makers build secure embedded systems, and what role does hardware play? What are the best practices in embedded security, […]

Communication Between Dual Cortex – Cortex-A & Cortex-M Cores

Communication is key, in embedded development and all other walks of life. Getting the most from your hardware often comes down to speed and synchronicity of communication, and never is this truer than with dual coretex processors. By including both A and M-cortexes in a single MPU, such as the NXP i.MX93 and STM32MP1, you can […]

EV Charging Software – Linux Based Applications

As manufacturers worldwide continue the transition from ICE cars to EVs, the race to gain an edge over competitors and understanding of EV charging software has never been greater. So how do you develop a future-proof EV charging software solution that is both secure and able to evolve? Witekio, ST Microelectronics and ARM joined forces […]

Long-Term Software Maintenance for the NXP i.MX Family

You have selected cutting-edge NXP hardware, and developed a device brimming with value for your end-user, but is it secure? What about a year from now? Unforeseen vulnerabilities in the device’s ecosystem could pose threats to your long-term success and more importantly, brick the device you’ve worked so hard to get to market.   So […]