Why Is Embedded Software Development Still so Hard?

With all the advancements in tech and tooling, you would be forgiven for thinking that embedded software development was easy, or at least easier. Sadly, this is not the case. What is happening in the world of embedded development and how can we simplify things for OEMs? Fortunately for you, Witekio CEO Samir Bounab sat […]

JTAG and Linux Embedded Development

A seemingly simple question on the best practices surrounding JTAG and Linux here at Witekio evolved/devolved into a heated discussion. That’s nothing new when talking about a subject that has pros and cons – after all, it’s our job to know what’s best for our customer’s projects. So we’ve turned this into blog, so you […]

Yocto Considerations for License Compliance

  In the fourth edition of the Witekio and Mender: Yocto Master Class – we deep-dove into (apparently) everyone’s favourite subject: Considerations for License Compliance. When I say this was our busiest one ever – I really mean it In the end, we had nearly 20 full minutes of questions to answer from the community. […]

Long-term Yocto Maintenance top tips!

The saying third times a charm really came true for the Yocto Master Class Part Three, as we tackled our long-term Yocto maintenance top tips and had more attendees and the best engagement with our audience ever! Once again, the master class was held in partnership with Mender.io, and this time we focused on the […]